Sunday, June 19, 2011

Celebrating Dads

Today is more than a day to celebrate the Dads out there. Let's celebrate grandpas, uncles, godfathers, and all the special men children have in their lives.

Let's celebrate all the men who have a positive influence on your children. I appreciate the men who have had something to teach me about who I am and who I want to be.

When I was younger, my dad was a coach and PE teacher. He later became a principal. He also was part owner and director of 2 summer camps. (He is now retired and enjoying the beach.)

One of the things I learned from my dad, was not something he said to me, or showed me how to do. It was something that was on the shelf above his desk.

There were many trophies above my dad's desk. The one that has stayed with me said,

"A quitter never wins, and a winner never quits."
I remember reading that trophy many times. At first I did not understand it's meaning even though I could read the words. I think my dad lives by these words. As a role model for my siblings and me,
he helped us with homework assignments, baked cakes, folded the laundry, took us on trips and outings, dried our tears, talked to us when we were out of line, and loved us.
So Happy Father's Day to my dad and to all the wonderful men who have helped me grow.

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