Recently I had the opportunity to attend a workshop that helped me define my purpose in life. I found this a valuable exercise. There are so many people who are wandering around day to day, moment to moment without a true purpose. This gives me pause. Are we doomed to randomly live our lives like two atoms floating in space until we bump into each other in order to fulfill our true potential?
Part of the job of the educator in a Montessori environment is to guide her students to move with purpose, to be intentional about their choices, their associations, and their movements. Much of this work happens in the Early Childhood three year cycle. The Practical Life lessons help a child develop her will, her focus, and her readiness for future learning. These lessons give the child a gift. The gift is that each activity results in an accomplishment of which the child can feel satisfaction. Shouldn't our lives be filled with accomplishments in which we find satisfaction? It is that simple, having a purpose and living your life in pursuit of that purpose is the way to intentionally reach your true potential.
As an educator of older students, I was able to encourage each of them to start defining their purpose in life. I was in awe of some of their ideas. All the statements began with "I want to contribute to a world where..." The students took this lesson to heart. Some expressed wanting to contribute to a nonviolent world. Others focused on a world where children and animals have happy homes. A few of the students expressed their wish to contribute to a world where there was peace between all countries. I loved reading their work and was so proud of their thoughtful responses. Wouldn't you want to live in a world where all children felt purposeful. It gave me confirmation that I am on the right path. I know that my purpose is clear and I am working toward fulfilling my potential.
What is my purpose? I want to contribute to a world where children are educated to be self actualized humans who take care of the earth and it's living things and to have fun while I do so!